Signed in as:
We hope that you will take the opportunity of participating in some of the activities/events that the Village Hall Committee from time to time organises and we would like to have more people join us on the Committee to share your ideas and skills. If you are interested in helping out then contact any of the existing Committee members or just come along to our next meeting.
(A list of committee members is given at the bottom of this page)
Herewith the Bar Rota for the first quarter of 2025. Thank you to those who have kindly agreed to run this valuable social asset in the Community.
If for some reason you need to change your 'stint' then please try to arrange a swap with someone else, BUT please let us know of the changes so that the Rota can be amended
Carols round the tree and Santa's visit
There was a magnificent turn out on Saturday 21st December of Brimpsfield residents for the annual Carols round the Christmas tree in the middle of the village. Everyone enjoyed singing the carols and in particular the carol sung by the children on their own. Mulled wine was provided during the interval and refreshed the singers to continue with the next seven carols.
Following the carols everyone walked up to the Brimpsfield Village Hall, which was magnificently decorated by Liz Oakey and her helpers, the Wheeler's Bar was open and plentiful supply of hot sausage rolls, mince pies and vegetables with dips was laid out. Santa kept his promise and dropped in to see the children and hand out ginger bread men. Another popular attraction was the gin tasting table in the corner of the hall.
The new ballet – “Fragments” was premiered at Brimpsfield village Hall to the delight of the audience. The ballet was created and brilliantly performed by the Dorset based “Dance Project” set up 5 years ago by the then 14 year old dancer James Bamford.
The Brimpsfield Village Hall Committee has set up a Special Events Sub-Committee, which will propose and organise special community events in Brimpsfield in addition to those normally run by the Village Hall Committee.
It is proposed that a portion of the Village Hall funds will be reserved for running such special community events. The Village Hall Committee invites interested villagers to join this new sub-committee and run these events.
Please notify the VHC of your interest and availability by contacting
RedCroft have now finished their work on the extension of the Village Hall. The front wall has been completed externally, the porch area has been extended and a new fiberglass roof covering applied over the front and rear portions of the roof. Work is now proceeding on re-wiring, internal insulation and finishes with the work carried out by volunteers from the village.
The external structure of the extension is now completed and the roof waterproofed. The internal wall between the hall and extension is being constructed and next week the builders will start on the reconstruction of the entrance lobby.
Work on the shell of the village hall extension started on 9thAugust, a day earlier than forecast, and very good progress has been made in two days with half the floor joists fixed and the complete framework of the external walls erected.
Materials have now been delivered for construction of the shell of the front extension, which will commence in about a week - (10/08/22).
Work on the extension and refurbishment of the Brimpsfield village hall is progressing. The foundation trench has been kindly dug by Andrew Herring and deepened by hand by John and Mikhail. The concrete foundations had been poured and Rob Harber has now completed the blockwork supporting wall up to floor level. Materials are now being ordered for the following stages and Bob Mitchell of Redcroft Construction will be starting of the shell of the front extension at the beginning of August.
Mikhail Mandrigin - Chairman
John Oakey - Treasurer
Tom Belcher
Simon Clint
Frances Ellery
The event was attended by 29 people all of whom greatly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, convivial conversation and the good food provided by the hosts and hostesses.
A photo quiz challenged the diners and some very worthwhile prizes were won in traditional raffle.
The one of the track on the background music compilation proved irresistible for some diners.
Due to the impossibility of raising the required sum to build a new village hall the Village Hall Committee is about to start the extension and refurbishment of the existing hall as shown on these drawings. Planning Permission had been obtained and detailed construction drawings prepared. Preparatory actions are scheduled to start on 21st September 2021. The project is to be delivered largely on a community self-build basis. Whilst the Committee has enough funds to purchase the required materials, further assistance from the village community is invited, both in the form of donations and offers of physical help with the building work. Please contact Mikhail Mandrigin on or 078 9977 4466.
Brimpsfield Village